Did you know that there are several signs that confirm that you may be a good person? Several psychological studies have revealed that good people share a series of guidelines, so if you meet them, then you could have this prized quality. Experts explain what they are and go into detail about them.
Being a good person is something that goes beyond doing good deeds, defines psychology. A good person is one who desires good things for others, but also acts accordingly. In addition, he or she shares a set of traits that are inherently good and that are shared by other people with this quality.
Psychological studies have compiled what these are to help readers understand whether they meet this quality. In fact, among the most unmistakable signs, empathy stands out, although it is not the only one.
A good person, say psychologists in different studies on the subject, is a person who cares about others, is realistic and consistent, sincere and reliable. Likewise, he/she is non-judgmental and listens, gives thanks often and has faith in humanity.
Meeting most of these qualities, experts agree, are what will determine whether or not you are a good person. In addition, they stress that a good person cannot change the way he or she is, although of course some aspects that are considered limiting and cause discomfort can be modified.
You are an empathetic and compassionate person
Empathy is an exceptional quality that radiates its power in all directions and can empower the one who experiences it and the one who is treated with empathy, as it goes beyond putting oneself in the other person’s shoes.
Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others, without necessarily agreeing with them. It is cultivable and improvable, and an unmistakable sign of good people, say professionals. This is because empathy generates a genuine reaction of kindness and compassion.
You care about others, and sometimes too much
Another of the most representative signs of good people is the concern for others, both for family, friends and other people close to them. A good person does not usually make excuses when it comes to helping others, unless there are greater causes, and in which case always look for an alternative.
However, sometimes the concern for others can be excessive, for not knowing how to properly manage feelings. Sometimes in the form of excessive concern for the welfare of the other and other times for fear of what others will say or even feelings of guilt. This usually ends up causing anxiety as it is a problem that the person is not able to control, and is accompanied by ruminations, fatigue and discouragement.
The problem can be treated, but it is necessary that the person becomes aware of the situation and visits a specialist. In Barcelona there are several specialized psychologists, whether you are looking for a specialist who speaks Catalan, Spanish or even an English speaking therapist in Barcelona.
Experts emphasize that the solution lies in personal change, which is the only thing that can be treated directly, since the problems and concerns will always exist and everything depends on how they are faced.
You are realistic and consistent
Good people also tend to be realistic and consistent. This means that they try to reach a middle ground between helping others and helping themselves, achieving an emotional and social balance.
That is to say, a good person knows how to reach that balance and set limits being aware that other people can harm them, but even in case this happens they do not give it back when it is done to them. Moreover, they are coherent people whose values, beliefs and behaviors are in line with each other. Being consistent also means keeping promises and commitments.
You are a sincere and trustworthy person
Sincerity and trustworthiness, together with the rest of the qualities, also define good people. This, they explain from the field of psychology, does not mean that all sincere people are good. In fact, there are some who, knowing that their words hurt, do not hold back their comments. In the case of good people, empathy also comes into play.
They know how to say things and are very respectful, say professionals. In addition, they are people who can be trusted, since they are responsible and do not play with anyone’s feelings. An honest person is sincere in their intentions with others, they value integrity and take responsibility for their actions. Not lying or cheating has a positive impact on their own well-being.
Don’t judge and listen to others
Being non-judgmental and non-elitist, treating everyone equally, also says a lot about good people. Moreover, according to experts this is quite a difficult trait to fulfill. A good person tries to accept all people as they are, without making hasty judgments and conclusions.
In fact, as experts say, every criticism, judgment or diagnosis is a tragic expression of an unmet need, so not judging is not only not suppressing negative thoughts, but trying to understand and address the underlying needs and emotions.
You constantly say thank you
It is something quite repeated among people with the quality of kindness, it also has a clear correlation with empathy according to studies. On the other hand, being grateful to others can help make the people you interact with happy, and this is something that comforts good people.
You have faith in humanity
Without becoming naïve, good people have faith in humanity. That is, they believe in the inherent dignity and worth of other humans. Professionals conclude by explaining that the more you believe in others, the less need there is to protect yourself against them, or to retaliate or punish them when they do something negative. Those who are good people tend to think, and want others to be good people.