One of the services that a plumber Phoenix AZ-based offers is camera inspection of your outgoing drain lines. If it is recommended that you have this service completed, you may be wondering why. There are a few key reasons why you may need to have a camera inspection of your drains completed. Here are some of those reasons and what can be learned by having a camera inspection completed in those situations.
You Are Buying a Home
One of the reasons why you may need to have a camera inspection of your drains completed is because you are buying a home. As a general rule of thumb, you do not always have to have a camera inspection of your drains completed when purchasing a home. But, if a home inspector finds that the pipes may be old or there may be existing plumbing issues, it is highly recommended that you follow up with a plumber to have the plumbing system inspected, including having a camera inspection of the drains completed.
There Is a Stubborn or Recurrent Clog
Another reason why you may need to have a camera inspection of your drains completed is that there is a stubborn or recurrent clog in your outgoing water line. If there is a stubborn clog that will not budge, or if you have a recurrent clog, a plumber will want to find out why. A camera inspection can tell a plumber if your outgoing sewer line collapsed, has roots growing in it or if there is some other foreign object, such as a toy, clogging your sewer line. This can then help them to come up with a plan of action to treat your stubborn or recurrent clog.
You Want to Learn the Condition of Your Pipes
Outgoing water lines, or sewer lines, typically last anywhere from 50 to 100 years, depending on the type of material the pipe is made from. If your home is older, it may be worth it to have a camera inspection of your drains completed. This helps you to determine what type of material your pipes are made from and the current condition of your pipes. Ultimately, this can help you determine how much life your sewer lines have, so you can budget for replacement in the future, if needed.
There Are Bad Odors Coming From Your Pipes
The final reason why you may need to have a camera inspection completed on your outgoing drain line is that there are bad or foul odors coming from your pipes. If there is a foul odor that you cannot seem to get rid of, no matter how many times you try to clean your drain, you should call in a plumber. They can do a camera inspection to find out if a clog, pest infestation, or even a dead mouse may be causing the smell to come from your sewer line. From there, they can remove the issue.
If you are buying a home, have a stubborn or recurrent clog that will not budge, want to find out the condition of your pipes, or have bad odors coming from the pipes, a plumber Phoenix AZ-based can complete a camera inspection of your pipes. A small camera is fed through your drain lines, allowing a plumber to see what types of pipes you have, the condition of the pipes, and why clogs or scents may be present. Reach out to your preferred local plumber to schedule an appointment for a camera inspection.