Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that can reshape the nose to improve its appearance. It can also correct functional problems with the nose, such as a deviated septum or difficulty breathing. Rhinoplasty is typically an outpatient treatment, so you won’t have to stay in the hospital overnight. Recovery from rhinoplasty can take up to two weeks, but most people feel well enough to get back to work or school within a few days. So, if you have any issue with the exteriors of your nose or breathing, this can be the treatment. You would want to see an ENT specialist for help and guidance.
Before this, here is a quick overview of the main types of the rhinoplasty procedure. Let’s explore them.
Common rhinoplasty surgery
Rhinoplasty can be performed as either an open or closed procedure. Open rhinoplasty is the more common of the two, where the surgeon makes incisions in the columella—the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. This technique allows direct access to the bone and cartilage, making it ideal for more complex modifications. It is also commonly used for functional procedures, such as repairing a perforated septum, which can cause breathing difficulties. Closed rhinoplasty, on the other hand, is a less invasive procedure with no visible scars, making it suitable for minor corrections.
Things to consider before and after rhinoplasty surgery
You need to take care of certain things before undergoing rhinoplasty. First, you should consult with an ENT surgeon to see if you are a good candidate for the surgery. Second, you should be aware of the risks and potential complications associated with the surgery. Finally, you should make sure you are mentally and emotionally prepared for surgery and recovery.
After the surgery, you would want to follow your surgeon’s instructions for care and recovery to avoid unwanted experiences and heal faster. You may experience swelling and bruising, but that doesn’t have to be the cause of concern. Taking rest and applying ice to the affected area as instructed can be helpful. You should also avoid wearing glasses or sunglasses after the surgery.
Nevertheless, your doctor will be your guide, so don’t stress about anything. Generally, people don’t feel pain from the surgery, but doctors prescribe analgesic medications if someone experiences any discomfort.
Recovery from rhinoplasty surgery
Take prescription medicines on time, such as antibiotics, painkillers, and nasal sprays. Avoid bathing or submerging your head in water for the first week, and try to stay indoors. Sleeping with your head resting high will reduce swelling around your nose. Attend postoperative appointments regularly to keep a check on any possible complications. Stay away from spicy or hot foods, alcohol, tobacco, and workouts for the initial two weeks after the operation. If you exert too soon after surgery, you will risk bleeding. Eat well so that recovery will be speedy enough to heal in 6 weeks or less. The most important thing of all is to get plenty of rest.
An accredited ENT clinic in Singapore can offer the best solutions for your breathing issues and cosmetic needs. So choose them if you wish to end your woes and make it easy.