As a small child and continuing through adolescence, you will have been constantly instructed and regularly reminded to brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and again just before you go to bed.
As an adult, it becomes your own responsibility to do this, and often, for a variety of reasons, you may either forget to do this or else are too tired and not bother, especially at night. Once or twice in a proverbial blue moon, this is acceptable, but neglecting your oral hygiene regularly could result in many serious health issues.
With this in mind, continue reading to learn about the top four most common avoidable oral health problems.
1. Tooth Decay
Across the length and breadth of the United States, the most common oral health issue amongst both adults and, sadly, children as well, is tooth decay, which is often alternatively referred to as having ‘cavities’.
Essentially, tooth decay occurs if effective oral hygiene methods are not being adhered to and the starches and/or sugar in the foods and drinks you are consuming remain on your teeth for a period of time and combine with plaque on the surface of your teeth. This combination creates corrosive acids, which then go on to attack the enamel of the tooth.
2. Mouth Sores
Another exceedingly avoidable problem with the mouth, teeth, and gums is that of mouth sores, but thankfully in the majority of cases, although often painful, they do not tend to last more than a couple of weeks.
There are three different types of mouth sores, which all vary in terms of severity and include canker sores which only occur on the inside of the lining of the mouth. Thrush, which is a yeast infection that can occur at any age, and cold sores, which are contagious blisters which are caused by the herpes virus.
3. Gum Disease
Gum disease, medical term periodontal disease, is an infection that can occur in one or more areas in the gums immediately surrounding your teeth and is one of the primary causes of tooth loss in adults.
There have been numerous studies conducted in the United States, as well as overseas, that there is a direct link between recurrent gum disease and problems with the heart, such as heart disease and even more serious illnesses. The four main symptoms of gum disease include experiencing pain and discomfort when chewing, bad breath, sensitive teeth, bleeding, and swollen gums.
4. Bad Breath
Finally, the other most common problem with the mouth, teeth, and gums reported in both children and adults in the United States is of bad breath or halitosis.
Professional dentists report that poor oral hygiene routines and tooth brushing discipline is responsible for approximately 85% of cases. However, there can also be more serious underlying causes of bad breath. Such causes could include bacteria on the tongue, advanced gum diseases, gingivitis, numerous cavities, dry mouth, and in some cases, bad breath could even be a sign of oral cancer.