Wonderlic is a renowned intelligence test that has been around for several decades. In fact, it’s one of those well-recognized tests used for both academic and job selection purposes. However, the difference between these tests can be confusing for some.
With that said, here, you’ll see a breakdown of the different types of Wonderlic tests, as well as little bits of information on the validity and reliability of Wonderlic.
1. The Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE)
The Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam is a cognitive capability test that assesses the aptitude of prospective students for learning and problem-solving in an academic setting. Colleges and universities most commonly use this exam to help determine a student’s program eligibility.
The SLE measures a person’s general knowledge, verbal abilities, math skills, and spatial reasoning abilities. The exam has 50 multiple-choice questions and must be completed within 12 minutes.
Questions are presented across five different categories that include Reading, Comprehension, Mathematics, Vocabulary, Analytical Reasoning, and Basic Knowledge.
2. The Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test
The Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test is the most popular intelligence test in use today. The Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test is typically used to evaluate candidates for employment screening.
It’s an excellent tool in hiring because it provides a consistent measure of candidates’ capacity to learn, think critically, and resolve problems quickly. That’s why many companies across different industries use the test for their hiring processes.
However, the most famous application of the Wonderlic is in the NFL, where it’s been administered to thousands of prospects since 1975. The NFL uses the Wonderlic as one of many different assessments to help determine which players they’ll draft.
3. The Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Test
The Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Test is part of the Wonderlic Personnel Test. It was designed to test an individual’s capacity to learn new material and use it practically.
The Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Test measures perceptual acuity, mental sharpness, verbal fluency, and numerical aptitude. The Wonderlic Perceptual Ability Test is available as paper-and-pencil or computerized testing procedures.
Aside from that, this test can be administered individually or to a group of individuals. Employers use the test across the nation in various industries and professions.
4. The Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST)
The Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST) is a short-form, norm-referenced test that measures the basic skills of individuals who have completed at least one year of college.
The WBST is used for various purposes, but primarily for determining whether an individual has the general academic skills to succeed in college or graduate school.
For example, a college may require the WBST from all applicants to determine whether the applicant should first enroll in remedial courses before taking general education courses. The WBST is also used as part of the admissions process for graduate programs in education and other fields.
The WBST assesses your strengths and weaknesses in basic skills so that you can select the most appropriate coursework. It also provides diagnostic information so that you can identify the skills that need improvement.
You may use the results of the WBST to create an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) with assistance from a counselor or advisor.
Final Thoughts
Some of these Wonderlic tests are easier than others, and each one is designed for a different level of a job applicant. However, the key takeaway here should be that practice makes perfect. In this case, if you don’t prepare yourself, your Wonderlic scores may suffer as a result.
Working on your ability to think quickly and analyze various situations could be the difference between passing or failing the test.