Cold sore scars are one of the most common issues among many. It can also be very irritating and painful at times but the good news is this condition is not permanent and cures naturally. However, the scars may be upsetting for some.
Everyone is at risk of cold sores. It may be manageable for some, but it can be frustrating for others. The scars can be unsightly and embarrassing. It can persist even after a long time after the sore has healed.
So, how to get rid of a cold sore scar? Well, there are many effective methods that can help you to treat these scars. Aloe vera gel, coconut oil, and light therapy are among the most effective remedies.
In this blog post, our experts have come up with some effective ways and methods that can help you to get rid of a cold sore fast and effectively.
How Cold Sores Outbreak?
The herpes simplex virus causes cold sores. It’s a highly contagious virus that can be easily transmitted. Once it gets inside your body, it’s permanently there. Still, it will resurface if you suffer from various things like stress, when your immune system is down, sun exposure, hormonal changes, and even trauma and injury.
Cold sores usually break and leave scars on the way. Too much rubbing, scratching, or forceful cleaning might cause the cold sore lesions to burst and scab.
Cold sores can also cause spontaneous scabs and blisters that may irritate.
Blisters and scabs generally heal within a week or two, but the scars stay. Moreover, the healing process may leave scars if you repeatedly scrape or rub the affected area.
Some may also develop changes in the skin like:
- Redness around the sore
- Skin feels thinner or thicker
- Unusual lines
All these issues might have adverse effects on your skin and the marks can also get permanent if not treated. But as mentioned, the scars can go away through various means. Light therapy is one of the most utilized methods since it produces results faster. This will be further discussed later.
How to Prevent Cold Sores Scars?
The good news is not all cold sores leave any permanent or significant marks on the skin.
Our experts still recommend following these tips to aid you to prevent cold sore scars and ensuring fast recovery:
Keep the infected area clean.
Rinse gently with warm water and mild soap. At least practice this twice a day, but make sure you don’t rub it.
Moisturize frequently.
Dry skin tends to scar easily. Moreover, cosmetic lotions, mainly those dyed or scented, may irritate the blisters’ sensitive skin. So, as your skin heals, use a petroleum jelly moisturizer to keep the skin properly moisturized. This practice will reduce a lot of irritation and can make you feel better.
Cover the affected area.
Apply a wide bandage if the blister or sores are near an area that is sensitive to irritation, such as your underwear line. This reduces friction and the risk of a sore breaking open.
Don’t pick.
Itchiness is expected when you have cold sores, but don’t pick or scratch the areas as this can lead the sores to spread. You can always consider using an anti-itch cream on itchy areas to make you feel better. Furthermore, when you pick, you’re increasing your risk for infection.
Use sunscreen.
Sun exposure can trigger the resurfacing of cold sores. Moreover, the sun’s ultraviolet rays increase the risk of hyperpigmentation and scarring. It’s best to use sunscreen with at least an SPF of 30 when you go out to protect your skin and lips from the sun’s harmful rays.
How to Get Rid of Cold Sore Scars?
Home therapies may help minimize the cold sores and their scars. You need to know that many scars dissolve with time, even without therapy. However, such cold sores require the attention of home remedies to be treated.
To help you with this, our experts have shortlisted some of the most effective home remedies that can aid you in fighting cold sores and their scars.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an anti-inflammatory agent and protects the skin from damage that causes wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines.
Gel capsules are available in pharmacies or online. To apply, you need to needle-pierce the capsule and squeeze the liquid out. Afterward, massage the liquid on your cold sore areas for 3 to 5 minutes. Repeat daily until you observe prominent results.
Coconut oil.
Some experts recommend using coconut oil to aid fade the scars, but research is still in process to confirm it as a fact. To apply coconut oil on your cold sores:
- Warm it gently in the microwave.
- Massage the coconut oil onto the scar and its surrounding areas.
- Repeat this 1 or 2 times daily until you see observable and significant results.
Light Therapy
Researchers discovered vast uses of light therapy. This method of therapy can be used to treat conditions like SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), skincare, muscle mass growth, and many more.
Further research has also shown that light therapy can also be used to get rid of a cold sore fast. However, to see observable changes dermatologists suggest being consistent with the use of this therapy.
Yes, this method of therapy may be considered one of the most effective methods, but we still recommend you consult with an expert first before going through any of the sessions.
Aloe Vera
This gel is mainly used for burns; however, it can also help to reduce cold sore scarring and irritation. Take the gel and apply it to the affected areas for 30 minutes. Don’t rub. Simply apply it to the affected regions. Then wash with soap and warm water.
Note: If the cold sore scars are highly visible, you can always consult a dermatologist to give you further treatment recommendations or suggestions.
Cold sores generally appear within a few days of virus encounter. The symptoms and signs differ depending on whether the person is facing it for the first time or not. Cold sores frequently reoccur in the same location and normally go through five phases over 7 to 10 days.
Stage 1: Tingle
More than 85% of people who get cold sores start with tingling, discomfort, stiffness, or itchiness around their lips. It usually lasts for 1 to 2 days. The tingling usually occurs near the cold sore affected region. So, these affected regions slowly become swollen, red, and painful to touch. Moreover, as this virus has already reproduced, the tingling of the cold sore becomes more contagious the minute they appear on the skin.
Stage 2: Bleeding
After the initial stage, red, fluid-filled blisters emerge. Bulbs slowly begin to get filled with clear fluid. The fluid carries HSV-1, herpes simplex virus type 1. If these blisters pop, the contagious fluid may spread to other parts of the body, causing the cold sore to spread more.
Stage 3: Bursting
On day 4 or 5, blisters burst and form painful and irritating sores. This is when these cold sores are the most contagious. Your body will immediately start repairing the ulcerated and exposed lesions.
Stage 4: Scabs
Scabs usually appear between days 5-8 following an outbreak. Dried-up sores cause painful and irritating cracks. Scabs appear brown or yellow when a blister does not rupture.
Stage 5: The healing stage
During this stage, your body’s defenses fight the virus, scabs fall off, and cold sores recover. Remember to avoid removing the scab since the entire healing process will then be interrupted. This healing usually gets completed within 8 to 10 days, usually with no scars.
1. Are cold sores contagious?
Yes, these are contagious. Cold sores can easily spread through kissing. However, they can also spread through touching infected objects like razors or towels. So, it’s a misconception that cold sores are not contagious. Although many times they might not be visible on your skin, they can still spread through the air.
2. Does having cold sores mean you got STD?
A cold sore may not always indicate an STD. However, HSV-1 causes most cold sores, not spread sexually. Cold sores can also occur by HSV-2, but there are no chances of spreading through intercourse. Although, it can indeed spread through kissing.