Putting up floating shelves is a great way to add storage and display space to your home without taking up any floor or wall space. However, if you’re not careful, you can easily make mistakes that will ruin the look of your shelves and cause them to fall down. Here are five common mistakes people make when putting up floating shelves.
1. Not using enough screws or anchors:
One of the most common mistakes when installing floating shelves is not using enough screws or anchors. This is especially true for heavier objects, such as books, trophies, and other items that can add significant weight to the shelf. Not using enough screws or anchors can put undue strain on the wall where the shelf rests, resulting in sagging or worse—the shelf can detach itself from the wall entirely
To prevent this from happening, it’s important to use a combination of screws and anchors when installing a floating shelf. A good rule of thumb is to use one anchor per 10 pounds of weight that will be stored on the shelf. This helps disperse the weight evenly across multiple points on each wall stud, so no single point bears more than it should. Additionally, use at least two screws per anchor to ensure they’re properly secured into place
Make sure you drill pilot holes before inserting your screws or anchors. Pilot holes are small holes drilled into walls which allow you to insert longer screws without having to worry about them splitting or cracking the drywall surface around them. Pilot holes also make it easier for other people who may need to adjust or remove your shelf at some point in time—should you ever need to do this yourself!
In short, using enough screws and anchors is key when installing any type of floating shelves. Doing so not only keeps your belongings safe but also helps protect your walls from damage caused by too much strain being placed on them over time.
2. Using too many screws:
While it’s important to use enough screws, it’s also important not to overdo it. Too many screws can damage the wall and create an unsightly look that will detract from the beauty of your shelf.
3. Not measuring correctly:
Before installing floating shelves, make sure to measure twice and double-check your measurements before drilling any holes in the wall. This will prevent you from having to redo the installation if you make a mistake.
4. Not testing the shelf’s weight capacity:
Before loading anything heavy onto your floating shelves, it is important to test the shelf’s weight capacity to ensure it can handle the load. This will help prevent accidents and damage to your shelves.
5. Not using levellers:
Levelers are an important part of any floating shelf installation, as they help keep the shelf level and secure on the wall. Make sure you use spirit levels for all four corners of the shelf for maximum stability and security
Following these tips will help ensure that you get the perfect look for your floating shelves without any mistakes or mishaps along the way! With a little care and attention, you can easily create beautiful and functional shelves in your home.