Regular septic tank maintenance can have several benefits, including lowered costs and increased property value. Some of these benefits include preventing costly repairs and algal blooms. In addition, regular septic cleaning will help ensure everything moves through the system smoothly and without causing problems.
Increased Property Value
Regular septic tank maintenance is a great way to increase the value of your property. Potential buyers will want to know that a septic system is functioning properly. If it’s not functioning properly, it will bring down the value of your property.
Before selling your property, have your septic system inspected. Potential buyers will be turned off if they see a poorly maintained system. On the other hand, potential buyers will be impressed if you have a well-maintained septic system.
Reduced risk of costly repairs
Regular septic tank maintenance Orlando, FL, is essential for your tank’s health and plumbing system. If you have a home with an older septic system, regular inspections and maintenance will ensure that the tank is operating as it should. A thorough inspection will also help you determine whether your system needs replacement. A soil probe will help you determine where the septic tank is. Ideally, it should be located about 10 to 15 feet away from the foundation of your home. Make sure to dig out as much of the soil as possible to determine the tank’s depth. It should be as deep as the sewer pipe that connects to your house.
Regular septic tank maintenance can help you minimize costly repairs. In addition, proper inspections reduce the risk of failure by eliminating potential problems before they start. Pumping the tank and performing maintenance regularly will also improve the efficiency of your septic system.
Prevention of algal blooms
Regular septic tank maintenance will help prevent harmful blue-green algae growth. If you are experiencing symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately. In addition, it’s helpful to report suspected cases to your local health department. This information will help the department better understand harmful blooms. In addition, some state health departments have hotlines to report suspected algal blooms.
Algae thrive in light and heat, so reducing or blocking the sun’s light can help prevent these blooms. To minimize the impact of sun exposure, you can install insulated floating covers in your tank. You can also use additive dyes to block sunlight, although some regulators do not allow dyes to be discharged into the water.
Increased Functionality
Regular septic tank maintenance is crucial for your system’s functionality, preventing expensive repairs and environmental damage. Septic owners should be aware of failure symptoms and take action immediately. You can prevent costly repairs and illnesses and protect the environment by taking action quickly.
Regular septic tank maintenance helps your system filter the solids that accumulate over time. Unfortunately, this helps the solids build up too much; your drain field may become full, requiring replacement. Eventually, this can cause sewer backups in your home and sewage back into your yard.
Reduced Costs
Regular septic tank maintenance can reduce costs significantly. The septic tank filter should be cleaned at least every three to five years and is usually included in the pumping and cleaning costs.
Regular maintenance should also include lowering water usage. Using less water will give your system more time to break down waste. Fixing leaky faucets and installing high-efficiency appliances are two ways to reduce water usage. Also, spread your laundry throughout the week to save water and labor. You should also remove garbage from your sink and put it in the trash. Also, ensure you do not flush paper towels, feminine hygiene products, or dental floss down the drain. It would help if you also avoided toxic flushing cleaners down the sink, such as bleach and chemical drain cleaners.