When buying a house or apartment, in addition to preparing funds for purchases, other funds that must be prepared are renovation funds. In addition to the initial stage of renovation, sometimes renovation is needed as part of residential maintenance.
Therefore, the funding factor is also very influential at the stage of residential renovation. Finding the builders in Singapore is indeed not hard, but finding those who can give you a friendly price might not be as easy.
But what you need to know, renovation does not need to be done in its entirety and at the same time. You can also carry out renovations in stages according to the existing priority scale. So that the renovation stage is not too burdensome for your finances, here are some easy tricks that you can apply to collect funds for renovating an apartment
Save your bonus
Take advantage of the income from bonuses to carry out renovations in stages. Do not be tempted to use the bonuses only to satisfy shopping desires, but you can also use the bonuses for other long-term changes such as renovating your apartment.
Save changes
Never underestimate the change you usually get from change when shopping. Collect the change in an appointed piggy bank and open it periodically to move to a bank account once every month. The result can even allow you to repaint the house wall.
Stop wasting money on unnecessary things
The habit of snacking doesn’t seem like a big expense. But if you do this every day, then the amount of money you spend every month on snacks or other unnecessary things is certainly quite large. It can definitely be more useful if you try to hold back and stop wasting money by purchasing unnecessary things.
Renovate outside holiday
You should not renovate your house during holiday moments, such as before the new year. At times like this, it is usually difficult to find a handyman because many people want to do the same – beautify the appearance of their house. In addition, if you manage to get a handyman, the results of the work will not be optimal because it is likely to be done in a hurry, and also the price will be double!
4 Things To Consider Before Renovating
Renovating an apartment unit is not an easy job. You must carefully consider every aspect of the apartment before ordering apartment renovation services. In addition, there are several important points that need to be considered before remodeling an apartment.
A permit from the landlord
Apartment renovations often require the tenant or owner to obtain permission from the building manager. Even if you have purchased a unit, it is still part of the management property.
Renovations that require the dismantling of certain pipes, ducts, or cables are required to apply for a permit in advance. Each building management has different procedures, but generally, all applications should be submitted several weeks before the renovation. After that, the building management will send a notification to every user on the floor where the renovation is being carried out.
Use affordable materials
You do not have to use expensive materials, to begin with, to do an apartment renovation. You can find affordable, high-quality repair supplies at home improvement stores. For example, wall repairs can be done with wallpaper instead of paint. Besides being easy and quick to install, wallpaper comes in a variety of attractive patterns and colors.
If you want to change the door or window model, PVC material can be the solution. PVC doors and windows are generally available in various models such as sliding, folding, and folding, in addition to their affordable prices. This material will give a minimalist look to your apartment.
Prepare the activity flow at the apartment
The space to move around in an apartment is very limited, so the flow of activities is also limited compared to living at home. Therefore, multifunctional furniture will really help you save a lot of space. For example, using furniture as an insulator will give the impression of a spacious room.
Pay attention to the installation of electricity, water, and others
Disassembly of electrical outlets, water pipes, and other important things must be done very carefully so as not to damage existing cables or pipes.